
Tom Reynolds Music is a music-oriented website created by Tom Reynolds.

Performing on trumpet and piano in the San Francisco Bay Area during the 1970's and 80's, Tom received a B.A. in Music from the University of California at Berkeley in 1982. In 1988, he made an abrupt departure from the profession, building a career in Electrical Engineering, Embedded Systems and Software design involving a 21 year stint in Portland, OR.

In 2010, he relocated to Livermore, CA, to work for a solar energy start-up.

More recently (since ~2014) he has been playing keyboards again, performing, composing, arranging, recording, and transcribing jazz solos. This site is dedicated to sharing things he believes are of artistic or educational value. In 2022, he started doing vocals at the piano, resulting in an expanded repertoire nd 2 new CDs.